Monday, July 23, 2007

"My Studio"

"My Studio"
Originally uploaded by Michele Ramirez
I am hard on my materials. I use up brushes, paint and medium like there's no tomorrow. The process demands it--I work, rework and rework a piece until it satisfies me. And if it doesn't, then it doesn't make it. I'll strip the canvas and start a new painting.

I don't like doing that--as free as I am with the paint--I can use a small tube in a single stroke, I hate wasting paint. I do the best I can in the layout of the work, the under drawing, etc. I can even have those rare moments that completely excite me visually. I can see it. But sometimes I just can't save it, and the best thing I can do is walk away.

The lesson I value most as a painter, is just that: Know my failures as readily as my successes.

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